Best lightweight daily wear mascara
Gosh Rebel Eyes cruelty free mascara

Result claim
Lengthening, Volumising, Curving
Colours available
Cruelty Free?
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Superdrug: £8.99
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Rebel eyes mascara from Gosh, sold in Superdrug. Only available in black. Best for everyday wear

Resultant Lash Colour
Lashes appear darker but not in an over the top way. Result is a little more subtle than some other mascaras. Perfect for everyday wear
Lash Appearance
Lashes are subtly darkened with a decent amount of lift and curl but not to the extent of some other mascaras
There is some flaking after hours of wear
Our tests resulted in 6 hours decent wear
If you want a mascara that does not clump and adds natural definition to eyelashes, this is the ideal mascara for you. It is not as impactful as some others. It does not have the strongest curling and lengthening properties. But I believe this helps the mascara not to clump or flake easily. It also means it does not have the heavy feel that some mascaras leave, which can sometimes feel uncomfortable. Overall if you are looking for a subtle mascara which lasts pretty well, this is an excellent choice